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-FREE shipping in Canada & US on orders over $55 use code "FREESHIP"at checkout CURBSIDE PICKUP PLEASE CONTACT info@prosperityhairoil.com
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Content on this website is provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Prosperity Hair Oil is a topical product and should not be taken internally. Prosperity Hair Oil can not treat the underlying cause of any hair loss or damage to the hair/scalp.

Comments and feedback about product effectiveness are based on customer, staff and family opinions and should not be substituted for medical care.

Customer feedback is provided voluntarily, and as such it is based on individual perception & expectations from Prosperity Hair Oil. Every customer will expect different results and may base their reviews on their expectations.

Our recommendations and product claims are based on widely accepted facts about particular natural ingredients.

Prosperity Hair Oil is not liable for any individual reaction to any particular ingredient. Remember to read the labels and ingredient list carefully and follow the appropriate directions for use. If you have a specific allergy or sensitivity, do not use ingredients that may trigger a reaction. Prosperity Hair Oil can not promise to deliver any of the claims stated as benefits. These claims are derived from customer feedback and widely accepted facts for the ingredients used in the Prosperity Hair Oil. Prosperity Hair Oil will not take any responsibility for incorrect use, reactions, side effects, adverse events of any nature or refund due to not providing the benefits we state.

An allergy patch test is recommended if there is any doubt or history of skin reactions. Discontinue use if a reaction occurs. Always take before and after pictures in the same natural lighting or as close as possible in the same angle and quality of photo.

Please consult a healthcare provider if you have any questions about a particular health condition. Please consult your healthcare provider if you are using any other topical medication, or remedy etc for your hair/scalp. Prosperity Hair Oil is not a medication, and we can only make recommendation for suitability of our product in certain scalp and hair ailments and conditions. Any recommendations accepted by a customer are accepted entirely at the customer’s risk. By purchasing Prosperity Hair Oil you accept responsibility to check with a professional before using any product that may interfere with drugs or medical conditions. By purchasing Prosperity Hair Oil you recognize and accept the fact that some natural ingredients, essential oils in particular, may still cause sensitivity in susceptible individuals and that Prosperity Hair Oil will not be held responsible for such occurrences. We encourage those with sensitive skin to perform a patch test on the skin for possible reactions. If irritation occurs, stop using. 

Prosperity Hair Oil accepts no responsibility for incorrect use of information or product.

By ordering from our website, you confirm you have read and understood this disclaimer.